Getting more energy? Try these 5 tips

Have you been feeling lately that you have less energy and would rather just lie on the couch all day? Sometimes your battery just runs out and it's hard to get yourself to do things. Or you're right busy all day doing all sorts of things and are completely exhausted in the evening. In this article we give you 6 tips on how you can regain more energy.

1. Check your diet

Do you often eat unhealthy snacks or quick unhealthy meals because you have little time and desire to make a healthy meal? Nutrition largely determines your energy level. It is important to get all the nutrients your body needs to get more energy. In addition, some nutrients also make you unable to move forward. In our other article we tell you more about the importance of healthy nutrition.

A healthy diet without a strict diet?

A healthy diet without a strict diet?

Feeling fit, having more energy or getting to the right weight? With professional guidance from our nutrition & lifestyle coaches, you'll develop a healthy and sustainable diet;

✔ That completely fits your wants and needs;
✔ That you can apply for the rest of your life;
✔ Not a rigid diet that you won't easily maintain but an eating pattern that is accessible to your life.

2. Enough sunlight

Especially with the winter months approaching, it can be harder to get yourself outside and get enough sunlight. Sunlight equals energy. So when you don't see enough sunlight, your energy levels will be lower as well. Through the sun we get Vitamin D which keeps us from feeling sluggish and tired.

3. Drink enough water to get more energy

When you don't drink enough water, your body becomes sluggish and tired. Your body needs water to get energy and not dry out. So drink a glass of water regularly, such as when you get up, before a meal or before you go to sleep. In addition, water also makes you feel less hungry.

4. Clear your head

When we are stressed or have a lot on our minds, we often have little energy to do other things. So make sure to clear your head regularly. For example, write down your thoughts or go for a walk to relax. Underlying stress points will really eat up energy so make sure you get this off your chest. Too little sleep can also cause you to have less energy or become stressed earlier. A morning routine might help give you a little more rest and energy. We'd love to tell you more about why a morning routine is important in our other article.

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Laura de Vries

5. Exercise to get more energy!

Exercise gives you more energy. Even though you feel the least like exercising when you have energy, it works as one of the best. It's a good way to get your mind off things for a while and it reduces stress. Are you missing the sports motivation? It doesn't have to be intense workouts, for example, go for a short walk with a friend every day.

Get more energy with the help of Beyondfit

Have you been suffering from low energy for a while and would like to get back to full energy through life? At Beyondfit, we will help you get back to full fitness and together make sure you get your energy back. Our coaches will help you with healthy nutrition, sports and the right mindset. Wondering how we can help you best? Schedule a no-obligation intake to discuss your needs.

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