Sustainable weight loss

Lose excess kilos with the Weight Loss programme

Do you think it's time to really lose weight now? But don't feel like going on a strict diet? Then opt for the Weight Loss program and we will teach you everything you need to know about a healthy eating pattern to get rid of those excess kilos.

From €645 per 4 weeks
100% satisfaction guarantee
Designed to help you lose weight, lower your fat percentage and get in shape.

Benefits of the Weight Loss program?

Work on a sustainable foundation, establish good habits and receive full support.

Working on a sustainable basis

We teach you how to adopt a healthy eating and living pattern so that you can also apply this outside of training. This ensures that you really can achieve long-lasting results.

Full support

We support you through the whole process. From nutrition to exercise to your overall lifestyle. We are your accountability and always keep track of your progress.

Applying good habits

We make sure that you add good habits to your life so that you can achieve long-term results. This provides structure and a healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss program

Have you tried hundreds of different diets but always without success? From crash diets to detox cures or even an apple egg diet? Often you keep it up for a short time but fall back into your old habits and gain all the weight back. With the Weight Loss programme we do not focus on a strict diet for a short period of time, but we focus on the long term. In order to lose weight in the long term, it is not only important to start eating healthier but also to adjust your overall lifestyle. With the Weight Loss Programme, we coach and support you in adopting a healthy lifestyle and eating pattern that ensures weight loss and health in the long term.

What are the 6 pillars of theWeight loss program?

It is an accessible program with the best of both worlds.

Personal training

We bring out the best in you.

Weekly nutrition coaching

The nutrition coach teaches you everything you need to know about a healthy diet.

Weekly weigh-in

Measuring is knowing. We keep a weekly record of how much you have already lost.

Tracking progress

Every three weeks we do a full body scan to track progress and see if your body is in balance.

Evaluation moment

Every 6 weeks we have an evaluation moment to discuss the progress and to see what can be improved.

We are always there for you

We also keep in touch outside the gym to really keep you on track.

The 6pillars of weight loss program explained

Find out what the weight loss program entails and how and when we will be there for you.
Only with the best coaching and guidance will we ensure that you feel and stay completely fit.


Personal training

At the Muscle & tone program, you will receive personal training from one of our expert trainers. You will train together on different exercises and the personal trainer will teach you proper posture and techniques. It serves as a real stick to create structure and stay motivated. You will notice that you will soon feel fitter and more comfortable in your own skin.


Weekly nutrition coaching

A healthy diet is an important part of losing weight. No strict diets for a short period of time, but focused on sustainable results. You will receive weekly nutrition coaching so that you can learn everything about a healthy diet and how to apply it yourself. This way you can continue to enjoy good food without feeling guilty.


Weekly weigh-in

Every week we have a short weigh-in so we can see how far you have come. This provides extra motivation to keep going and you will see that every week you make a little progress. This way we keep you accountable and prevent you from falling back into old habits.


Full body scan every 3 weeks

It is important to keep track of your progress. Every three weeks, we not only look at how much weight you have already lost but we also do a full body scan. This allows us to learn more about different parts of your body such as your fat percentage, muscle mass and size.


Evaluation moment

Every 6 weeks we have an evaluation moment where we discuss the progress. With this we can see if there are things that need to be adjusted and if we need to pay more attention to them. This way, we know for sure that we are getting the best out of the programme.

Pricing for the Weight Loss program?


Weight Loss - 12 weeks



Lose weight

Weight Loss - 12 weeks

Program developed using a proven method to lose weight.


12 weeks


Personal training 3x a week


Progress measurement and evaluation


12 weeks - 1:1 with nutrition coach


Weekly weigh-in


From €865 per 4 weeks


100% satisfaction guarantee

Designed to help you lose weight, lower your fat percentage and get in shape.


Weight Loss - 24 weeks



Lose weight

Weight Loss - 24 weeks

Program developed using a proven method to lose weight.


24 weeks


2x per week personal training


Progress measurement and evaluation


12 weeks - 1:1 with nutrition coach


Weekly weigh-in


From €645 per 4 weeks


100% satisfaction guarantee

Designed to help you lose weight, lower your fat percentage and get in shape.

How can I start with the Weight loss program?

It always starts with small steps. If you want to start with the weight loss programme and you think that we can help you well, it starts with a free intake. These are the steps to take.


Free intake interview

During the intake we will look together at what you are struggles are, discuss your goals and find out how we can help you.


Free trial lesson

Based on the intake interview, we will schedule a number of trial lessons. We will let you experience the training and atmosphere at BeyondFit. During the trial lesson, we will perform an extensive body scan and you will meet our personal trainers.


Getting started

If everything is to your liking and ours, we can get started. You will notice that training takes some getting used to in the beginning, but you will feel at home at Beyondfit from the very first moment.

"To change your body you must change your mind first."

Are you curious what the weight loss program can do for you? You can schedule a free intake so that together we can look at your goals and determine whether the weight loss program is right for you.

Sustainable weight loss

For sustainable weight loss, it is not only important to exercise more and eat healthier, but also to change your overall lifestyle. With the Weight loss programme we focus on a good balance between healthy eating, sports and lifestyle. During the programme you will be supported by a nutrition coach and a personal trainer. The nutrition coach will help you learn a healthy eating pattern through weekly nutrition coaching. Also on the days that you are not at Beyondfit you will have contact with your coach to stay accountable. Together with the personal trainer you will work on a better condition and more muscles. Our couches will teach you the right posture and techniques so you can train safely.

  • Your own nutrition coach
  • 1 on 1 personal training
  • Personalised nutrition plan
  • Keeping an eating diary and progress in the Beyondfit app
  • Weekly consultation with your nutrition coach to learn a healthy diet.

Correct balance

 "You can give a man fish and he can eat for a day, but if you teach him how to fish....he can eat for a life time." This is what we at Beyondfit believe in as well. We don't give you recipes to memorise or tell you how much and when to eat. We teach you everything you need to know about healthy food and how to apply it. You don't just have to eat things you don't like but can still enjoy delicious dishes without feeling guilty. By applying small good habits you will soon notice that you are feeling better and that this will also have an effect on your diet and overall lifestyle. It is important that you find a good balance in nutrition, sports and a healthy lifestyle.

per 4 weeks

weight loss program
in 24 weeks


Feel you again good in your own body

Are you tired of starting from scratch every time? The weight loss program helps you find structure and teaches you everything you need to know about a healthy lifestyle. Schedule a free intake and take back control.

You may have a question about theWeight loss program

Check out the frequently asked questions about weight loss program below. Have a different question? Then contact with us.

When can I expect results?
In general, you will start to see and feel results after 2 to 3 weeks. Especially if you stick to your nutrition plan, you will start to see results quickly. Of course, it depends on how motivated you are and how hard you want to work for it. However, we will do everything we can to get you in the right flow.
How will my progress and results be tracked?
We measure your progress and results in three different ways:
  • Measuring body composition: Every 3 weeks we do an inbody scan. With an inbody scan, we measure whether your body is in good balance. It is one of the most popular and reliable medical fitness scales that gives very accurate results.
  • Fitness test: Every 6 weeks we do a fitness test to see if you have improved physically and fitness wise.
  • Weekly weigh-in: Every week we have a short weigh-in to keep track of your weekly progress.
What is your approach to nutrition coaching?
"Give someone a fish and feed them for a day, teach them to fish and feed them for a lifetime." This is also how we approach our nutrition coaching. We don't just tell you what to eat but teach you all about how to eat healthy so you can continue to apply it yourself. Without the application of a healthy diet, you won't start seeing results either.
How do you hold me accountable?
  • Each week, you are given small assignments such as taking 1000 steps a day and you discuss these with your trainer.
  • We provide you with nutrition coaching and you keep your food diary in our Beyondfit app.
  • We always check in on days when you are not meeting with your coach.

Are you curious about Beyondfit?

Click here to download our brochure

"Hopefully you can gain many new insights by reading the Beyondfit brochure and find out what Beyondfit stands for. Have fun reading in advance and if you have any questions during or after reading we would love to hear from you!"

Kind regards,


Founder & creative business developer, Beyondfit

Real results

Sustainable weight loss with the Weight loss program

Are you fed up of trying? Do you want to finaly achieve real results this time and feel good in your body again? The Weight Loss programme will help you to lose weight in a sustainable manner. Schedule a free intake and you will be rid of those excess kilos in no time.

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