Why a 30-day challenge doesn't work

What is a 30-day challenge?

You've probably seen those 30-day challenges come by. "In 30 days a tight belly" or "30-day booty challenge" are often terms that appear regularly. In these, you train one body part for a month. On day 1 you start with 10 squats or sit-ups and on day 30 you finish with 250 squats or sit-ups. These challenges promise you that after these 30 days you will be completely toned or slim but this is often not quite the case. In this blog article we explain to you why challenges don't work.

Getting fit and staying fit?

The Fit for Life programme is the solution. With the Fit for Life programme you will ensure that you do not just fall back into old habits, but that you become and remain fit throughout your life.

✔ The nutrition coach will teach you all about a healthy diet.
✔ Every 3 weeks we do a full body scan to track progress.
✔ We also keep in touch outside the gym to really keep you on track.

30 Day Challenges are not educational

In a 30-day challenge, you often simply follow a picture and perform this exercise. You repeat the same exercise every day without really thinking about it. The challenges are often created by people who want more followers on social media by inspiring people. They are not professionals who create the workouts and little consideration is given to build-up, rest or intensity. The workouts are often not well thought out and also don't teach you anything about a healthy lifestyle in the long run.

You only train 1 body part

In a 30-day challenge, you often repeat the same exercise for 30 days. There are often not enough rest days in the challenge that are crucial for muscle recovery. When you repeat the same exercise more and more each day, this muscle group may become overworked. Overtraining can eventually cause you to suffer lingering injuries. In addition, you will see few results when you only do the same exercise. It is important to alternate different exercises so that you also train different muscles.

Getting fit and staying fit?

The Fit for Life programme is the solution. With the Fit for Life programme you will ensure that you do not just fall back into old habits, but that you become and remain fit throughout your life.

✔ The nutrition coach will teach you all about a healthy diet.
✔ Every 3 weeks we do a full body scan to track progress.
✔ We also keep in touch outside the gym to really keep you on track.

A 30-day challenge creates the yo-yo effect

You've completed the 30-day challenge, now what? You stop exercising and fall back into your old patterns. After this challenge you might have seen some results but when you stop again, they will come back just as fast. With a challenge you do not train for the long term but for 30 days. When you are done you will let go of this right away. It is more important that you focus on the long term and change small habits step by step. This is not possible in 30 days so you will fall back into the yo-yo effect again and again.

Sustainable results with the help of Beyondfit

Are you done falling back into your old habits and want to build a strong foundation to lose weight permanently, once and for all? At Beyondfit, our coaches will help you adjust small habits, the right exercises and a healthy diet so you can maintain it yourself for the long term. Schedule a free intake with no obligation and together we can see how we can best help you.

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Kind regards,


Founder & creative business developer, Beyondfit

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