Losing weight without dieting

To lose weight you do not have to go on a strict diet. This is often counterproductive and the pounds fly back on just as quickly as they came off. When you want to lose weight, it is important that you do this in a healthy way, and do not try to starve yourself or change your entire eating pattern in one day. In this article we will give you 6 tips on how to lose weight without a diet.

Eat consciously

If you want to lose weight without dieting, it is important to become aware of what you are putting in your mouth. Often we eat without thinking about it, perhaps you automatically grab a snack every day when you get home or you often start eating when you are bored. It is important to become aware of when you eat and what your habits are. Try to focus as much as possible on your food when you eat, so don't watch TV or do other things in the meantime. This way you are more often distracted and not busy with your food so you often don't realize how much you are eating and also don't immediately realize when you are full.

Losing weight without dieting

Change bad habits

Changing your entire diet overnight is often of little use. It is difficult to maintain a strict diet for a long period of time, which often causes you to fall back into your old habits and the kilos just fly right back on. That is why it is important to change bad habits step by step. For example, start by drinking more water and less soda, and limit yourself to one snack a night. Don't forbid yourself everything right away and only move on to the next habit when you can maintain one well.

A healthy diet without a strict diet?

Feeling fit, having more energy or getting to the right weight? With professional guidance from our nutrition & lifestyle coaches, you'll develop a healthy and sustainable diet;

✔ That completely fits your wants and needs;
✔ That you can apply for the rest of your life;
✔ Not a rigid diet that you won't easily maintain but an eating pattern that is accessible to your life.

Portion size

As mentioned earlier, conscious eating is important when you want to lose weight without dieting. This includes your portion sizes. When making your food, pay attention to portion sizes and quantities. Often your brain does not notice that you are full until later, so we tend to overeat. For example, at dinner, scoop up only 1 serving and wait a while before finishing your plate. Don't keep eating from the pan all the time either, this often causes you to unconsciously eat much more than you realize. Want to know more about determining the right portion size? Read our 7 tips for proper portion size.

Losing weight without dieting with water

That water is good for you we probably don't have to tell you anymore. Water can help you lose weight in a healthy way. We often think that feeling hungry is because we need to eat more, but this can also be the sign that you are thirsty and need to drink more water. Water can largely eliminate your feeling of hunger. Drink a large glass of water half an hour before you eat, so you will be fuller faster while eating and therefore will need to eat less.

Get enough sleep and avoid stress

Having stress is one of the biggest reasons why we start eating extra and often fail to lose weight. When you are stressed you often put all kinds of things in your mouth and we often don't consciously think about what we eat. To avoid stress, adequate sleep is also important. When you get too little sleep, you are also more likely to eat unhealthy snacks to replenish your energy levels. So make sure you get enough sleep and avoid stress as much as possible.

A healthy diet without a strict diet?

Feeling fit, having more energy or getting to the right weight? With professional guidance from our nutrition & lifestyle coaches, you'll develop a healthy and sustainable diet;

✔ That completely fits your wants and needs;
✔ That you can apply for the rest of your life;
✔ Not a rigid diet that you won't easily maintain but an eating pattern that is accessible to your life.

Losing weight without dieting at Beyondfit

Would you like to lose weight in a healthy way without dieting and achieve sustainable results? At Beyondfit, we work on a sustainable basis and do not put you on a strict diet. We teach you all about a healthy diet and how you can apply it to your overall lifestyle. "Dont give someone fish, rather teach them how to fish so they can eat for a long time". This is how we approach our nutrition coaching. Would you like to lose weight and work on a healthy and fit body? Schedule a free intake consultation with no obligation and together we will see how we can best help you.

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Kind regards,


Founder & creative business developer, Beyondfit

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